Saturday, November 20, 2010

Day 7...

Favorite movies

I don't necessarily have a specific movie that is my favorite, mostly I just like specific types of movies. I am definitely NOT all about action movies. I hate movies that the whole story line is shooting, car chases, and fighting. I used to love scary movies, but since I have had Addison, I am not such a fan. I think that they make me paranoid... :)

I like any movie that either makes me laugh, or makes me cry. And if it happens to do both, I am in heaven! Unfortunately, it is hard to find any romantic comedies that don't have inappropriate material. I wish that we had a "Clean Flix" or "Great American Video" here in Chubbuck! It would make my life so much easier. 

Like I said, I don't have just ONE favorite movie, but here are a few that get my crying (and laughing) every time:

1 comment:

Heather said...

I KNEW you would have PS I love you.=) I love that one!! And you can tell Ryan he loves it too.=)PS. Did you know Gerard Butler is hot?