Monday, December 6, 2010

Day 15...

Pictures of My Dream Home

Disclaimer: I am kind of thinking that this should be called my "WILDEST dream home"...

I love the idea of a beautiful vintage, cozy home. My dream home would be beautiful and inviting. 

I definitely do not need ANY of these things in my house. I am completely happy right now in our three bedroom town home...but if for some reason I had UNLIMITED amounts of money to BLOW, and maids to clean for me, this is what I would want:

The Exterior:
My dream home would be on the outskirts of a large city, but far enough out that I felt like I was out of the craziness! I would love to own a home in a woodsy area like this:

It would have...
A Jacuzzi

A cozy reading room...with a fireplace!

A family Room

A Massage Therapy Room

A Play Room

A Craft Room

Master Bedroom

Theater Room 
(they forgot the popcorn maker!)


Addison's Bedroom

An Office

And A Yard
(with a pool, fireplace, dining table, garden, etc...might as well throw that in there!)

Unfortunately, I get bored this will probably only be my dream home for a few months! I like to change it up, and would go crazy if that was my permanent home :)

OK! I did it! I am done with my 15 day challenge! I promise that from now on my blog will not be all about ME, and I will get back to my family journaling!

1 comment:

Lindsay said...

I LOVE your dream home ideas! I totally agree with you about the maid thing... I want to copy your 15day idea.