Monday, July 11, 2011

3rd Trimester?!?

I just realized that I will be in my third trimester on Friday. WHAT? I read a gazillion baby books when I was pregnant with Addison, and haven't done much reading this time around--except for the short weekly updates. This milestone snuck up on me...I am running out of time! So much to do...

On our "To Do Before Baby is Born" checklist:
  • Be better about doing my pregnancy yoga (so unattractive by the way...Ryan had the privalege of watching me do my awkward triangle poses, and downward facing dogs lastnight. He's a lucky man!)
  • Paint Baby's Room
  • Set up crib and hang curtains
  • Go through the many bins of baby clothes that we have stored in our garage. Organize, Wash, and Fold
  • Put up the vinyl tree in Baby's room
  • Put up more shelving in Addison's closet so that we can use her dresser in Baby's room (Ryan)
  • Pack hospital bag (I have a while to get that one done)
  • Sew the aprons that I have been putting off for the past 2 months...I won't have much time with a newborn!
  • Hopefully have Addison completely potty-trained (she is doing well, but still has some accidents when we are out of the house and at night)
  • Find a cute "coming home from the hospital" outfit for our little girl
Like I much to do, so little time! Not to mention the little job of growing a human. Just sayin'!

From the looks of things, baby and I are both going to be busy growing in the next 12 weeks!


Taryn said...

How exciting that you are getting so close! I know that you are gonna LOVE having another little girl, seriously I am so excited for you(:

Heather said...

Yay!! Goes so fast every time! I can help you with stuff when we come for the wedding.=) Put me to work!