Thursday, July 5, 2012


I have been horrible at updating this blog lately! Life has been a crazy combination of moving, family time, and all of the other things that keep me busy!

We are LOVING our new home, and have met our immediate neighbors for the most part. Addison is already loving riding bikes with the kids from a few doors down! She asks if she can go out to see her friends all of the time. We have been to our new ward a couple of times now, and I think we are going to love it. Honestly, right now I really miss our old ward. We have so many great friends there, and I especially miss my calling in the Young Womens. I am sure that the longer we live here, the more we will love our new ward though.

Addison is growing up so fast! She is fun to talk to now, and she can carry on a (long) conversation about anything. She can get pretty sassy I told her to do something and she said, "REALLY MOM? SERIOUSLY?" She is such a sweet, spunky, little thing. She definitely keeps us on our toes.

Gracelyn just turned 9 months yesterday. She is the sweetest baby. She is content as long as she has food or toys in front of her to keep her busy. She ins't crawling (isn't even CLOSE to crawling yet), and will only roll over if it is ABSOLUTELY necessary. She is a pretty lazy baby. Thus the chubs. :) We love her and can't imagine our little family without her in it!

Ryan is working hard like always. He is so motivated (and a bit of a workaholic) and he is doing really well at his job. We have had so much fun organizing, decorating, and putting together our home together.

Here are a few of the things that we have been up to this Summer:

Eating Ice Cream and Playing at the Park
Dirtike crashes rides
A visit from Uncle Jeremy! (My youngest brother)
Swimming at Rigby Lake
Naps on the Beach
Playing in the Sand
Fun in the Backyard
And celebrating!

We are loving the hot days, and are soaking up every little ounce of sun that we can because Summer never lasts long enough around here!

1 comment:

Hogan Family said...

Looks like a fun summer so far. Sooo sorry about Ryans crash. I told Todd he better take it easy on him next time.